Terms of Service - Aruze Gaming

Terms of Service

[To use aruzeglobal.com]

This website (hereinafter called “the Site”) is the official website of Aruze Gaming (hereinafter called “the Company”), created and administrated by the Company. We remind you that access to the site and browsing the contents are subject to the restrictions described below, and also the relevant laws and regulations.objective of product development at Aruze.

Table of Contents
1. Uses and Copyrights
2. Trademarks
3. Warranty
4. Disclaimer
5. No Inducement of Securities Transaction  
6. Site Link
7. Submission of Ideas
8. Governing Laws and Jurisdiction
9. Changes in Contents and Terms of Service
10. Contact

1. Uses and Copyrights

All the information on the Site is protected under the copyright laws, treaties, and other laws and regulations in each country. The Company prohibits anybody, profit or non-profit, individual, group or corporation, from reprinting, reproducing, modifying, reusing, transferring and distributing any data, including but not limited to image, movie, music, text, and download data, without prior written consent from the Company.

The Company basically applies the same policy towards Site use by the parlors. Unless otherwise indicated, the Company and its affiliates own all the contents on the site (hereinafter called “Contents”), or own the rights to post them on the site. Using the Contents without prior consent from the Company and its affiliates would violate copyright law and trademark law, and infringe image right and privacy right. However, freebies such as wallpapers in download section are permitted for personal use as desktop items. Personal use and re-distribution of the freebies on other homepage is prohibited. Although the personal use is permitted, the Company does not guarantee that use of Contents by customers would not infringe the rights of third party.

2. Trademarks

All the names, trademarks, logos, service marks (hereinafter collectively called “Trademarks”) are either owned by the company and its affiliates or used under license agreement. The Company does not grant the customers to use any of the Trademarks or other contents on the Site. Unauthorized use of the Trademarks and other Contents on the Site, without prior written consent from the Company or Licensor (from which the Company receives the license for the trademark use), or unless use is clearly approved in the terms of service hereunder, is strictly prohibited.

3. Warranty

Although the Company makes its best effort to attain the accuracy and update of the Contents including future forecast, it does not warrant the completeness, and is not responsible for any errors or not posting certain information on the Site. Especially, actual results may greatly differ from the future forecast, depending on various factors. The Contents on the Site is provided, either express or implied, without any suitability to particular purpose, marketability, non-infringement, or any other guarantees.

4. Disclaimer

Customers bear their own responsibility (own risk) for using and browsing the Site, and the Company and those who works over the course of creating and distributing the Site will not be responsible for any damages arising from accessing and using the Site and its Contents (direct or indirect, including but not limited to the damages to computer and network systems), expenses for damage repair, or others.

5. No Inducement of Securities Transaction

The Site does not promote the transaction of shares issued by the Company and securities such as corporate bonds with share warrant (old convertible bonds), nor accept the purchase request. The Site does not intend to make any advise on the investments regarding the securities of the Company and its affiliates

6. Site Link

Link to the Site is basically free. Sites of third party that has a link to or from the Site (hereinafter called “Link Site”) have not been reviewed or verified by the Company. The Company is not responsible for any damages caused by the contents of Link Site and the any other activities related to the use of Link Site. Link from the Site to the third party site does not warrant any products or service on the relevant Link Site, and the Company does not guarantee or confirm any information on the relevant Link Site.

7. Submission of Ideas

The Company would not ask for the customers to submit any confidential or proprietary information to the Site. Every day at the Company, there are various creative activities going on for new products, new business, and so forth, and we realize that there are always a possibility of similarities between the ideas submitted to the Site and the undisclosed ideas by the company. To avoid any misunderstanding or dispute arising from these similarities, the Company does not accept any submission of ideas. When any idea is submitted to the Company, it will be handled as non-confidential, ordinary information. It will be regarded that the provider of the information already agrees with the free use of information by the Company and its affiliates, and that the use of information is guaranteed by the provider not to infringe any rights of third party. Also, the Company is not liable to any responsibilities, such as obligation to discuss, evaluate and adopt the idea or its compensation.

8. Governing Laws and Jurisdiction

Unless otherwise indicated, all the disputes and conflicts arising from the Site and its Contents shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Japan, and the resolution procedures shall be exclusively brought to either Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court for the first trial.

9. Changes in Contents and Terms of Service

The Company hold the rights to change the Contents, and postpone, discontinue or terminate the provision of products and services related to the Site any time without any notification. The Company and its affiliates are not responsible for any damages arising from the changes and deletions of the contents, or inability to use the Site.

10. Contact

The Company hold the rights to change the Contents, and postpone, discontinue or terminate the provision of products and services related to the Site any time without any notification. The Company and its affiliates are not responsible for any damages arising from the changes and deletions of the contents, or inability to use the Site.